“Becoming” by Michelle Obama

Photo Credit: Amazon

A few years ago, I was part of a book club that met religiously every month. There were 9 of us, and every month we each took a turn picking a book for the group. At the end of the month, we would gather together, order food, drink wine, and discuss the nitty gritty details of the characters and plots. We kept this up for years, and thanks to that book club, I read an impressive number of books, many of which I probably would have never picked up on my own

Though we had a great run, eventually our group began to disperse to different cities and the club ended. After that, I would often go months without picking up a book. A couple of weeks ago, I realized how much I missed reading and decided to step back into the literary world. The book that brought me back? “Becoming” by Michelle Obama.

I’ve highlighted Michelle in the Spotlight section before, so I was familiar with her background beyond her 8 year run as First Lady. But, I decided to read this for a few reasons.

One, I LOVE a memoir. Two, I LOVE LOVE LOVE anything that gives me insight into presidential politics and life in the White House. Three, reading about powerful, successful women inspires me to do more and be better. When I’m feeling out of sorts or like I need a push, these are the kinds of books that pull me out of my funk.

Full disclosure: I haven’t finished the entire book. But, I also haven’t been able to put it down. Michelle takes you on a journey through her upbringing, childhood and education, as well as her impressive career path. She dives into what it was like to fall in love, get married, start a family and be thrust into the most public of arenas. She gives us insight into some of the unique challenges she faced as a black woman and how she struggled to make choices that were right for her and for her family. She talks about being a strong advocate for women and girls around the world, and as someone who hopes to do the same (albeit on a smaller scale), I’ve loved getting a deeper look into how she got to that place.

“Becoming” is a great read for upcoming holiday vacations or for any time you want to feel inspired. Although some people may be put off by the politics of it all, this book is truly for anyone, no matter your political leaning. I promise that you will relate to some aspect of her story because while much if it is unique, much of it really isn’t. At the end of the day, we all go through similar challenges and struggles – it’s called life!

Have you read “Becoming?” Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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